May 27, 2008


We haven't been anywhere new in Austin since Mt. Bonnell, but I wanted to post what's going on. We went to Houston over the weekend where Joe and I spent most of the time apart. We did get to meet up with a bunch of friends on Saturday to sing karaoke (or in my case, enjoy and cheer) at the Mezzanine Lounge. After watching the tail-end of the UFC fight (and me counting down the everlasting minutes because it was dreadfully boring) the karaoke began. The KJ even remembered Joe from times past. She said she loved him!

She did lose Joe and Andrew's second requests until the very end, but at least they both got to sing for a second time before the end of the night.

Here's a clip of Joe singing "99 Problems" by JayZ. (It's very dark and some of the lyrics are explicit)

We were excited to visit with a bunch of friends. Andrew just got back from Spain, Heather has been in Houston, and we haven't hung out with her since moving to Austin.

I also saw my bestest from high school, Michaela. I finally got to meet her boyfriend, as well as checking out her new apartment, which was fully of Kayla-crafty style, inspiring me to finally get going on some apartment updates. Tomorrow's project = upholstering and painting our bar stools. Crossing my fingers.

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